Brant Rock Advisory Services
Investment Operations and Financial Services Experts
Thought Leadership
Is 2020 the Year to Open a Roth IRA?
Kerry White delivered the keynote address at the Waters Technology Corporate Actions Symposium in New York. She shared her views with the audience that the lack of automation, visibility and control may lead to a number of critical issues posing high operational risk for investment firms as corporate actions volumes continue to escalate.
“Corporate Actions: Breaking Down the Building Blocks” an Inside Reference Data webcast which addressed the issues at each stage of the corporate actions processing lifecycle, and the standards concerns for corporate actions processing. October 29, 2014
"The Renewed Appeal of Pension Pools" - Pension Pooling article from FTSE Global Markets -
"Data Management: Smart Data" - article from Best Execution
"Tax-Transparent Investing Via Common Contractual Funds" - Journal of Indexes Europe